Dream Date: Saturday 30th July 2016

Location: Billingham, Teesside, England & Unspecified location in Yorkshire

I was fully aware that I was dreaming and I was in my living room, I walked around and tried to change various elements of the dream but was unable to so I stayed in the living room. I tried not to get too excited to prevent myself from waking up. At some point I felt myself losing lucidity so I spun around and believe I was able to regain it. I think at one point I also found it difficult to move. The next thing I remember was starting a fire near the fireplace and watching it spread to various different objects including the lights along the window and the TV. The dreamscape changed and I was back in the living room but there were more objects like ornaments along the fireplace and TV.

The next dream:

I was out with Autism Matters and we were somewhere in Yorkshire, I walked into a large venue of some sort but I am not entirely sure what it was. I think it might have been a theatre or cinema as I remember there were queues and AT was there. I think she gave me some cheese nachos but I didn't eat them. The next thing I remember is slapping who I thought was LS on the ass but it turned out to be someone else and they weren't happy. Then I saw LS so did the same thing, AT told me to stop doing it and I said "What? Sexually assaulting staff members?" she replied "Yes". I walked away.

I remember going outside and LS was in the passenger side of her car, (S/N: her previous car, not the one she has now) so I got in the drivers side and I asked if I could drive it. She said no and turned the engine off, but I was still able to drive it. I drove it around the area where we were and took it to a dead end and had to turn around, LS didn't seem interested that I was driving her car. She did panic slightly, however, when I got the car stuck in a few places along a narrow road. Other than that I don't remember any more of this dream and woke up not long after.

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