Dream Date: Wednesday 30th March 2016

Location: Coulby Newham, Middlesbrough, Teesside, England

Last night's dream involved me being in the Rudds Arms with JC and several of her friends. I was about to leave but first she came over and gave me a hug. The dreamscape changed and I was walking in Coulby Newham, my old Fortec Star satellite dish was mounted in the middle of the pavement, I thought in my head that I put it there in a previous dream and I was thinking I'd need a really long cable to get it to my TV at home, I also thought about buying a house in Coulby Newham. I walked down the street and ended up in Marton-in-Cleveland. I remember walking near some handrails and I suddenly felt very ill. It was as if I was drunk, I couldn't keep my vision straight and it was really weird. Next thing I know there is an old man talking to me and ranting about how bad mobile phones are. He said he met a mother who said she needed a mobile phone to keep in touch with her children, but that wasn't an excuse as she should just look for them. It didn't really make much sense and I wasn't interested so I walked away.

The dreamscape changed again and this time I was at PT's house. I think JT was there and he had just decorated one of the rooms with wallpaper. I believe there was a few people from the group there (but can't fully remember) and JC turned up. PT then picked JC up in his arms for some reason.

The dreamscape changed once more and I was driving along a road at night in the pouring rain. I stopped at some red traffic lights and slowly eased forward as they were still on red. This caused another driver to swerve and almost caused an accident as they stopped in front of me. PT's car came round the corner in front of me and stopped as he saw me. There were 2 other people in his car but I don't remember who they were. The driver of the car that swerved wound their window down and gestured at me to do the same, as they wanted to shout at me for nearly causing an accident. I was scared so I didn't. The next thing I notice is a police car and two officers talking to the driver, the driver told them about my driving and the officers wanted to speak to me. I got scared and drove off. Further down the road more police cars showed up and started chasing me, I ended up crashing into one. I thought it was starting to get out of control and I could get in big trouble if I continued, so I pressed the power button on a games console, switching it off and the dream ended, I woke up.

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