Dream Date: Friday 22nd January 2016

Location: Unspecified; Dream 1 - Desert, Dream 2 - Prison

I remember driving in my car with several passengers, one of which I think was ML. I don't remember who the others were. I ended up driving in the desert. The radio was on Metro but the music was different from TFM. There was a Top Ten at 10 on but it was followed by more songs from a certain year. Strangely I ended up getting in the back but continued to drive from the back seat.

Another dream I had was being in prison. I was in a small cell and pulled out the bed, which was attached to the wall. The bed was just coat hanger wire in the shape of a bed. I remember eventually getting a cell mate who was a mafia boss and being really afraid of him but I was friendly, shook his hand and said it was nice to meet him. It felt like I was watching the scene from outside my body, like on a TV show or something.

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