Dream Date: Friday 18th December 2015

Location: Billingham, Teesside, England

I was outside my dad's house on redacted and AH was there, as he is a Muslim he told me about the end of the world coming and about how he would get virgins in the afterlife. I asked how many but can't remember what his response was. I also asked about hell and he said he doesn't believe in hell, I thought that is similar to Jehovah Witnesses beliefs.

There was a helicopter at the front that we were going to fly in for some reason, I think there was a few people from IS there but I also saw MP was there too. I think the helicopter trip was a treat for his birthday. Just as everyone was about to get in the helicopter I was checking my pockets and I realised I didn't have my phone or earphones with me as I had left them in my room in the house. I wanted to get them so I could scan the FM band from high up and take videos flying over Teesside. My keys to the house were in the car which was parked on the drive so I went in the car to get them, I noticed as I was unlocking the door that one of the key's was bent. I looked back and everyone was in the helicopter and one of the people inside was offering me a seat in the front if I came over now but I shook my head as I needed my phone.

I went upstairs and got the phone and earphones, the earphones were in the side pocket of my bag. I exited the house and went back out where the helicopter was waiting. I jumped in the back of the helicopter and saw MP in the front. They started the helicopter but instead of flying it they simply drove it down the street like a car. I was sat next to someone who I didn't recognise. I think he may have been the owner of the helicopter or someone from the company that rents them out. He was talking to me about the helicopter but I don't remember what he said. There was a car radio in this helicopter on the front panel, and someone was playing around with it, the first station was Radio 1 which was playing some dance music that I didn't enjoy, the station was changed to 106.4 FM which is Capital, that also had some awful music on it and I said to whoever it was sitting next to me that I didn't like Capital. Finally the station changed once more, this time to 100.7 FM which is Heart. This was playing good music, Paolo Nutini's "New Shoes" had just started. This is where the dream ended.

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