Dream Date: Tuesday 10th May 2016

Location: Billingham, Teesside, England; Unspecified Location

My mum was home from Prescot and we were inside the house at address redacted. The house was empty as she was only back temporarily. It was late at night, about 10:40pm or so and my mum was watching something on TV, I was going to watch Criminal Minds at 11, and was also trying to take a dump before hand. I woke up shortly after this.

The next dream was after 3am:

I was at a funeral but I'm not sure who it was for. IC was there, along with LC and JC. My Dad was also there. I can't really remember much about the funeral but it was quite busy. I was sat next to my Dad and the C's were sat behind me, LC placed her head on IC's shoulder for a cuddle, which was making me jealous. My Dad left to go to the toilet or something and when he came back someone else was sat in his place so he sat a bit further down. Later on some point we were downstairs where the body was. I have no idea who it was. I also remember IC comforting a male attendee by giving him a kiss on the cheek.

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