Dream Date: Tuesday 6th September 2016

Location: Unspecified Location

I was in a house somewhere but I'm not sure whose house or where it was. It was late at night and HM was here and I was cuddled up with her on a settee in the living room. We were talking about astral projection and lucid dreaming and it was mentioned by one of us that it is dangerous and can cause ghosts and figures to appear or something like that. She seemed scared so I cuddled her and said it would be okay. The dreamscape changed and it was the next day. I was still in the house and IC was here wearing a towel. He was ready to go in the shower and was about to get in but asked me if I wanted to go in first. I said I would. I think the dreamscape might have changed again as I was running around somewhere near the house and was being followed by bees and wasps. They kept knocking into me as a warning and I was afraid they may sting me so I tried to move away but they kept following. Eventually I was back in the house and I made sure the doors and windows were closed. Next thing I notice is D opening the window and more bees coming in. I then woke up.

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